
“You are the light of the
world. A city set on a hill
cannot be hidden.”
– Matthew 5:14 ESV
Viewpoint: Buraydah is the capital city of Qassim, located in the north-central part of Saudi Arabia, the country’s most conservative region. It is a desert oasis cultivating both, fruit and strict Islam. Historically, Buraydah controlled the area’s horse and camel trade. Today it is primarily an agricultural center known for dates, citrus fruit, and wheat. But perhaps the region’s most famous export is Wahhabi Islam, an ultraconservative movement that has thoroughly influenced Saudi Arabia’s religion and culture.
Expatriate Christians living in Saudi Arabia view Qassim as one of the nation’s most spiritually dark areas. Even among Muslims, Buraydah is Saudi Arabia’s strictest city. But in recent years, the Saudi government has promoted greater cultural openness and tried to encourage tourism through annual festivals. Join us in praying that the light of Christ will penetrate the darkness and that He will cause new life to spring up in Buraydah.
Prayer Points:
· Pray that the religious identity of Buraydah’s residents would transform into a passion for seeking God and His Truth and that God will reveal Himself to them in the person of Jesus Christ.
· Ask that Buraydah’s agricultural trade and cultural events would provide opportunities for its people to have meaningful contact with believers, which leads to Gospel witness and abundant life in Christ.
· Finally, pray that God will cultivate His church even in this heartland of strict Islam.