Valentine’s Day

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16 ESV

Viewpoint: Over recent years Saudi Arabia’s conservative culture has changed. For years the celebration of Valentine’s Day was forbidden. Men and women who were not related were not allowed to meet; it was frowned upon if seen talking. But now, Valentine’s Day is openly celebrated. On February 14th, men may be handing out roses at stoplights. Young men and women can meet in public if their families allow it. As KSA’s society continues to change, one thing remains the same: millions of Saudis don’t know or understand how much God loves them. They can’t comprehend the unconditional love that God has shown for humanity through Jesus because they have never experienced a love like that. They learn that God is far from them and doesn’t want a relationship with them. They need to have their hearts and minds opened to the truth. They must hear about God’s amazing love for them and how He sent Jesus to restore the human race’s relationship with Him. They need to know that God’s redeeming love is worth more than anything else in this life. This is the way that God created us, and He is the only one that can truly and completely love us.
Prayer points: This Valentine’s Day, pray that Saudis will have an opportunity to hear about God’s love for them. Ask that their hearts change by this love, and they desire to have a relationship with God through Jesus.