Eid Al Adha

Viewpoint: Every year Muslims celebrate Eid Al Adha, “Feast of Sacrifice.” Eid Al Adha commemorates Abraham’s willingness to obey God by sacrificing his son, and God’s provision of a ram as a substitute. Pilgrims on Hajj in Saudi Arabia sacrifice an animal as part of the day’s rituals. Muslims who aren’t on Hajj celebrate with morning prayers, family gatherings, visits, and cash gifts for children. Some families sacrifice an animal as well. Traditionally, 1/3 of the meat is eaten, 1/3 is given to friends and neighbors, and 1/3 is given to the needy. Other families donate meat through charity organizations.

Many Muslims see Eid Al Adha as a remembrance of Abraham’s faith and obedience, while others see it as a celebration of the Hajj and an opportunity to give to the poor. Few connect Abraham’s sacrifice, or the Eid sacrifice they make, with forgiveness of sin. However, most Muslims do believe that they can earn forgiveness by performing the Hajj. Please pray that God will open their eyes to the emptiness of their works and to their need for the Savior.

Prayer Points: As the story of Abraham’s animal sacrifice is replayed by millions of Muslims, pray that many will be stirred to seek out more information about the Biblical Abraham and the true meaning of the ram which he sacrificed in place of his son Isaac. Pray that Muslims will understand the meaning behind the sacrifice and the cross of Jesus. Ask that they will be perfected and sanctified in Christ. As Hajj pilgrims leave after all their spiritual experiences and the exercises they have done, pray they will feel extreme emptiness and a lack of peace until they know the Redeemer of their souls, Jesus.