Saudis in the US

You shall treat the
stranger who sojourns
with you as the native
among you, and you
shall love him as
yourself, for you were
strangers in the land of
Egypt: I am the LORD
your God. – Leviticus
19:34 ESV
Viewpoint: Lisa’s friendship had grown with Amal, a young Saudi woman studying in the same city as Lisa. When Amal moved away, she gave her sister and brother-in-law Lisa’s contact information so Lisa could help them get settled in America. Since then, Lisa and her family have become very close to Fatima and Mohammed. They were able to help Fatima and Mohammed find an apartment, find their way around the city, and go to doctors’ appointments. Fatima and Mohammed have heard the Gospel several times, and Lisa and her husband have prayed with them in Jesus’ name.
Prayer Points: Ask that many believers in the US will welcome Saudis to their cities and be willing to share their lives and faith with them. Pray that the Gospel that these Saudis will hear will not return void.