Prayer Campaign

Many Saudis use social media to connect with one another and with Christ followers. You can connect with #Saudis too via #Facebook, #Instagram, or #Twitter – Ask #God to bring connections your way! #PrayforSaudi #God #Jesus #HolySpirit #Bible #Prayercampaigns #Christfollowers

Viewpoint: You have probably heard of the “snowball effect”, where something seemingly small starts to change and eventually becomes uncontrollable. Avalanches, epidemics, pandemics, and even marketing campaigns can work this way. And recently, political movements have been all around the world. A more modern term is “going viral”.
Many of you are on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. All three became infamous during the Arab Spring as protestors from Tunisia to Saudi Arabia have used them to encourage protest and revolution. Since then, social media has become a worldwide tool for promoting social and political change. Yet, we haven’t seen widespread use of the same social networking tools to raise prayer for the people of the Middle East. What follows is a sincere request for you to help begin a new “snowball effect” starting only from a small prayer, status update, or tweet.